unboring your messaging with a custom show

Psst…come here, over here, outside the box a little bit. What if you could keep your people thoroughly entertained while delivering your messaging? Put another way, what if you could keep your solid messaging but it’s now wrapped in memorable, sticky entertainment? A custom show, concepted and hosted by an Emmy award winning TV host just for you could do just that.

customized late night talk show

Picture this—comedy + interviews + music. It’s the formula for a late night talk show, but it’s also the formula for a memorable event. Jeff has 18 years of experience in late night, including 225 episodes on TV. He can take that know-how and collaborate with you to create a fully-customized late night talk show about your company or non-profit, or conference. Truly, it has really worked a lot in the past, and would also work great for you to create a unique and memorable night they’ll be talking about for a long time.

improv show

We can come to you and create a fun interactive show that gets your people up on stage making memorable you-had-to-be-there moments. Jeff and his crew have been performing improv together for ayears and years. Ask about a standalone improv show, or up the ante with an improv show plus a talk to make a really fun experience with some sincere takeaways.

employee celebrations

Ooh, this is a really fun one. We’ll come to you and shoot man-on-the-street videos that you can use at an event, like an employee appreciation banquet, a different event, or just for social media or internal purposes. Plus, Jeff can potentially host your event as well. These are really fun, really funny, and really heartfelt. Employees can have a great time, then see themselves in the video. Employee attraction and retention through fun and camaraderie is the best kind. We’re trustworthy veterans of hitting the right note.

chamber banquets

We specialize in Chamber banquets—-more specifically, taking Chamber banquets and keeping the awards, keeping the celebration of businesses and volunteers, but losing some of the stodginess, some of the stuffiness in traditional banquets. We love to work closely with you to really get to know your community so we can customize a show just for your city. It’s honestly a blast.